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Showing posts from September, 2015

Peek at My Week {September 29-October 2} with an Awesome FREEBIE!!

Hi y'all! Yep I have been working late this Sunday! I hope your weekend has been fabulous! I'm linking up again with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for Peek at My Week! This week won't be quite as jam-packed as last week (apple week!) but we will have some fun new stuff to get started!  Here are the plans:  We are starting Wet and Wild this week! This is our unit on oceans, water habitats, ecosystems, food chains, and all that fun stuff. The kiddos get to do an at home project and build their very own ecosystem to present at school! We will also be continuing our Traditional literature unit focusing on Rapunzel this week. So I made a little QR code task card center to help with our Story Structure reading skill.  The pink cards are for story elements such as setting, characters, beginning, middle, end, problem, and solution.   The yellow cards are specific comprehension questions based on the story.  Each set has a simple recording page to go with it. The kids will sca...

Apple Adjectives!

Hi friends! Just a quick jot tonight to tell you about a FABULOUS activity we did today! Apple Adjectives! This activity was inspired by Cara over at The First Grade Parade . She is fantastic and I aspire to be her one day! This week is all about apples! And since we have been reviewing adjectives, what better way to include apples than to describe them? Everybody brought an apple and we spent some time brainstorming adjectives that would describe apples. We observed them, felt them, and even ate them. Then everyone wrote some adjectives on a Post It and we stuck it on our Large Apple. Who one of my firsties asked if we could call him Drew. Drew the Apple.  Because I drew him.  These kids, man. Geniuses!! Then returning to our seats we wrote about our own apple and then drew an apple to match the one we brought. GRAB A COPY {HERE} (also in this freebie are some labels you can use to label a large apple chart) Everyone did so wonderful!!  After that we did an Adjective Sco...

Peek at my Week: {September 21-25, 2015}

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone has had a restful weekend! Mine went by super quick and I was super busy and yet I still have a pile of laundry! Some things are never ending. I'm linking up again with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for Peek at my Week! But first, a quick review of this past week:   I went to the Louisiana Reading Association 2015 Conference and had a blast! I learned so much and got to hear some great presenters.  FIRST I got to meet Eric Litwin, author of the first four Pete the Cat books!  He was amazing! I also purchased his new books: The Nut Family.  There is a dance contest for the best Polka Dot Dance and Mr. Eric will come to your school if you win and let me tell you it would be totally WORTH IT! Check out the contest {{HERE}} . I also got to meet Mr. Greg from the Kindergarten Smorgasboard . His presentation was amazing!! And his classroom totally makes me want to get rid of desks forever.  And finally I got to hear Mrs. Donalyn Miller, autho...

Peek at My Week: Lesson Plans {September 14-18, 2015}

 Hello friends! It's Sneak Peek Sunday!!  I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten again for Peek at my Week! This past week has FLOWN by! But I'm so very proud of my kiddos. They have been doing fabulously with first grade work. I was sick this week, so I was only at school a little bit but I did manage to snap a few pics! Still working with our writing partners to make our writing the BEST! Ok, so two pics. :) Passed out new Color Code Cards so the kids could pick out new, challenging books. Read about my classroom library leveling {HERE} .  This week we have lots to do. Here are my plans.   In ELA:  We are starting our Traditional Literature unit! Each day we focus on a different type of TL. Mondays - Fairy Tale Tuesdays - Fables Wednesdays - Tall Tales Thursdays - Mixed Up/Fractured Fairy Tales And then for our Read Alouds, I usually choose Legends. These books are a bit longer and deeper, so we read them aloud and then talk about the features of Legends...