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Peek at My Week: Lesson Plans {September 14-18, 2015}

 Hello friends! It's Sneak Peek Sunday!! 
I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten again for Peek at my Week!

This past week has FLOWN by! But I'm so very proud of my kiddos. They have been doing fabulously with first grade work. I was sick this week, so I was only at school a little bit but I did manage to snap a few pics!

Still working with our writing partners to make our writing the BEST!

Ok, so two pics. :)
Passed out new Color Code Cards so the kids could pick out new, challenging books. Read about my classroom library leveling {HERE}

This week we have lots to do. Here are my plans. 

In ELA: 
We are starting our Traditional Literature unit! Each day we focus on a different type of TL. Mondays - Fairy Tale
Tuesdays - Fables
Wednesdays - Tall Tales
Thursdays - Mixed Up/Fractured Fairy Tales

And then for our Read Alouds, I usually choose Legends. These books are a bit longer and deeper, so we read them aloud and then talk about the features of Legends. 

We will be discussing Text Features of Fiction and Nonfiction. Using Traditional Literature is a great way to introduce text features. We can talk about the differences between fiction and nonfiction with the many fantastical elements of Fairy Tales. 
Text Features

Anchor Chart

Recording Page
After using the Whole Group Activity, I put the game in the Pocket Chart (Skills) Center and they can use the recording page for accountability. 

My students are doing wonderfully well with Interactive Notebooks. They are still learning on how to use the activities and set them up in the notebook, but we are working on it! 
Lesson 5 Interactive Notebook

 This week we will be talking about Synonyms.  

 Short u Words


In Writing we are working on nonfiction, informative writing. We are talking about what is a Scientist? Our Mad Scientist unit was a few weeks ago, but we will be using our Interactive Notebooks from science to help us with our Circle Maps and Tree Maps. Click on the pics to download your own copy. 

Circle Map

In Math, we are finishing up our Introductory unit on Place Value. This week it's all about the word problems.
Unit 2 Understanding Place Value
Picture Peacock helps us to understand how to solve problems. Find my Math Strategy Zoo in my store. 

In Social Studies we will be talking about Landforms and creating a landform cookie! We found this idea from Nancy at First Grade Wow! 

Check out her unit on LANDFORMS.

And there we have it! Week #6 - ready for the kids!

Thanks for stopping by!

Like my Lesson Plans? You can find them in my store and they are COMPLETELY EDITABLE!
Click {HERE}!


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