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Showing posts from February, 2017

MATH IT! An Easy to Use Math Centers Idea

Hi Guys!! Today I'm going to share a quick post about my math centers. I created this system as I was writing our math curriculum. This past year we decided to write our own math because we felt that using the hodgepodge of materials we were using the previous year was too disjointed and not effective with our kiddos. You can check out my math curriculum HERE . The centers rotation I designed so the kids would get practice with new skills, practice with old skills, practice with fluency skills, and practice with critical thinking skills. I also included an "I'm Through" rotation so the early finishers would have some ideas about what to do when the center game is done.  Each letter in MATH IT stands for something: M: Model It A: Add It T: Think It H: Hone It IT: I'm Through I made labels ( that you can grab for free! ) and attached to some bins. Each center with its materials goes into the bin each week. Placed in my math area and all is ready to go.  The kids kno...

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Hi friends! I hope everyone is having a fantastic February! I don't know about your neck of the woods, but the weather here has been INSANE. One day it's 45 degrees, the next it's 89. I'm surprised we don't all have pneumonia or worse. Anyway, because it's winter, and because the groundhog saw his shadow, I wanted to share a little activity I created last year for my firsties. This helped us to sum up our unit on place value and regrouping. Plus it's super adorable! I needed a review activity for our Numbers to 120 unit and I love snowmen! So I made this!  With this activity the kids can create a snowman by choosing a two or three snowball snowman, a scarf, and two or three buttons. Each addition has a value of tens or ones. They add them all together and show the total value of their snowman!  I've included a recording page and a page to hang in the hallway with the snowman.  Click  HERE  to grab this!  I also created a QR code scavenger hunt scoot fo...

Thoughts on Thursday: Things Teachers Love!!

Hello!! Welcome to another Thoughts on Thursday! Thank you for joining Kristi ( from Pelicans & Pipsqueaks ) and I this month! Thoughts on Thursday is our monthly linky where we share our thoughts on various topics. This month we are talking about all things we love! Let's begin! Teachers love knowing all the things. Okay so we don't really know all the things, but we know a lot of the things. We know more than the average Joe and we love teaching others about the things we do know!! We also LOVE everything from Target. Everything. All of it. My paycheck goes there.  I mean, just look at my fabulous find here. Look at it! And where would we teachers be without our LOVE of caffeine? For some of us it's tea. Others drink coke or other forms of carbonation. Me, my choice is COFFEE. I. Love. Coffee. All day, every day, all hours of the day.  Did I mention memes? I think teachers love memes . I posted some teaching related memes in the sixth grade hallway this year . Hilari...