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Thoughts on Thursday: Are You Ready for Some Football?

I'm so excited that this is Thursday and my friend Kristi from Pelicans and Pipsqueaks and I are launching our monthly link-up of teacher thoughts!  Thoughts on Thursday is a weekly teacher blog link up where we talk about our thoughts on a specific subject. Sometimes we'll talk about classroom stuff, and sometimes we'll talk about life in general. You may even grab a freebie or two along the way ;)

It has been a wild month of August and I am beyond ready to get back into the swing of things. So this month - Football!!

So it won't come as any surprise, but living in Baton Rouge, I'm a little bit of a Tigers fan.

Just a little.
No, of course my closet doesn't consist of ALL purple and gold. There is some black. And pink.
I may or may not own solid gold shoes with purple laces.
I can neither confirm nor deny that when I go shopping I look for shoes and jewelry that match my game day outfits.

Yeah, okay.
I mean, just look at all this wonderfulness!

Who doesn't need a wine sippy cup? 

But it's Louisiana and in Baton Rouge LSU is EVERYWHERE! I literally live outside the North Gates of campus and we frequently walk to the campus bookstore or to visit Mike. It's very convenient.

It's a little over 2 days until my Tigers take the field in Wisconsin to get this season started! Sadly, I couldn't make the trip - okay I never get to make the long distance trips! - but I do know many down here who are. LSU Football is a religion down here.

This is true. The stadium, Mike's cage, the PMAC - all suffered no damage during the recent floods. Carly said we should have parked the car there. Now we know for next time.
Being inside the stadium on game days is indescribable. Watching the action, dancing with the band, cheering, and groaning with ups and downs of the game. It's the best feeling ever! 

A couple of years ago, Carly got the opportunity to dance on the field during halftime! 
Carly and her friend Jordyn
It was so fun! And so fast. The time flew by. It was for Jordyn's 13th birthday and Spirit Day coincided so the girls were signed up for halftime performance!

And who can forget Mike? He's only the best mascot ever. That tiger lives better than most Americans. Do you follow him on Instagram? You should! 
He has undergone radiation for his cancer - spindle cell sarcoma - so he has a purple patch around his eye. But he is still living it up. He has been treated at Our Lady of the Lake cancer center and they have offered to pay for all of his treatment. 

Fight like a Tiger, Mike!

While the home opener isn't until September 10, after this Saturday we will be in full swing of one of our four seasons. It is so exciting! LSU Tigers vs. Jacksonville State Gamecocks at 6:30 in Death Valley. 

AND because I love football so much, I've decided to throw you a FOOTBALL FREEBIE!!
It's a QR Code Scavenger Hunt. You hang the QR codes around the room. The kids start at START HERE. They scan the card and up pops a sentence, followed by a question. 
They answer the question and then hunt for the card that matches the answer. 

Scan and hunt! The questions are about nouns, verbs, misspelled words, end marks, etc. 
I've included a simple recording page, too. 

Grab your freebie HERE.

That's it for my thoughts! I do hope you consider joining us and sharing your thoughts. The link up is below. Here is the schedule for monthly linkups: 

See you next time!


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