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Showing posts from August, 2016

Thoughts on Thursday: Are You Ready for Some Football?

I'm so excited that this is Thursday and my friend Kristi from Pelicans and Pipsqueaks and I are launching our monthly link-up of teacher thoughts!  Thoughts on Thursday is a weekly teacher blog link up where we talk about our thoughts on a specific subject. Sometimes we'll talk about classroom stuff, and sometimes we'll talk about life in general. You may even grab a freebie or two along the way ;) It has been a wild month of August and I am beyond ready to get back into the swing of things. So this month - Football!! So it won't come as any surprise, but living in Baton Rouge, I'm a little bit of a Tigers fan. Just a little. No, of course my closet doesn't consist of ALL purple and gold. There is some black. And pink. I may or may not own solid gold shoes with purple laces. I can neither confirm nor deny that when I go shopping I look for shoes and jewelry that match my game day outfits. Yeah, okay. I mean, just look at all this wonderfulness! Who doesn't...

How a Teacher Keeps Busy When Unexpectedly Off for Three Weeks

I have now been out of school for 11 days. We have another 5 this week before we return September 6th. I know a lot of you don't start school until this time anyway, but here in Louisiana we start in August and normally I would be prepping for the third week of school tonight. But I'm not. It is tough to sit around and do nothing after you have already gotten back into the swing of things. Needless to say, I've been going out of mind. So what does one do when they are on extended unplanned break from school? Help. Bake. I've made cookies for Mrs. Robinson, one of our first grade teachers, lost everything in the flood and I baked her some rainbows. She loves my cookies and I just wanted to do something special for her! I've also tried out some new recipes. Like this chicken bacon ranch braid. Delicious. Train. Who says you can't have fun while training?  Eating while training is essential.  Knocked out the Ethics training, which channeled not only Game of Thrones...

After the Storm {My Louisiana}

It has been a tough couple of weeks here in Baton Rouge. Since August 12, it has rained every single day. Nothing like we had August 12-13, but the rain comes nevertheless. Friday morning, about 6:30 am this was my courtyard. School was canceled maybe 15 minutes later. Carly and I stayed in. I drank coffee, read some email, thought nothing of the rain. I had forgotten to grab my backpack from the car so I went to go get it.  Then this happened. VERY SHORTLY AFTER. That's my front step. I opened the door and that's what I stepped in.   I turned back on the news and listened more closely. All of the surrounding parishes and school systems had closed. One school system waited until after 7 to cancel and children were on a bus. That bus was overcome by flash flooding and was pushed off the road. Thankfully the children and bus driver were unharmed.  The meteorologist zoomed out the map and it looked like a miniature hurricane had situated itself over southern Louisiana and Mi...

Things to Re"MEME"ber!

Hi guys! How has your week been? I've had a fantastic first two days of school. I actually had school canceled today because of severe weather, so I'm just catching up on all the things! Just a quick jot here today to share with you my Things to Re"meme"ber board! I love memes and I think they are hilarious!! I'm pretty sure I covered all the basics here, but I am going to be updating with new ones throughout the year as I find relevant ones. The other teachers, too.  I hung it up on the wall in the 6th grade hallway. It gives me a laugh every time I walk by. I think the kids like it, too.  Want a copy for yourself? Grab it free  HERE .  Thanks, and happy TECH-ing!