I'm so excited that this is Thursday and my friend Kristi from Pelicans and Pipsqueaks and I are launching our monthly link-up of teacher thoughts! Thoughts on Thursday is a weekly teacher blog link up where we talk about our thoughts on a specific subject. Sometimes we'll talk about classroom stuff, and sometimes we'll talk about life in general. You may even grab a freebie or two along the way ;) It has been a wild month of August and I am beyond ready to get back into the swing of things. So this month - Football!! So it won't come as any surprise, but living in Baton Rouge, I'm a little bit of a Tigers fan. Just a little. No, of course my closet doesn't consist of ALL purple and gold. There is some black. And pink. I may or may not own solid gold shoes with purple laces. I can neither confirm nor deny that when I go shopping I look for shoes and jewelry that match my game day outfits. Yeah, okay. I mean, just look at all this wonderfulness! Who doesn't...