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Sneak Peek Sunday {April 4-8, 2016}

Hi friends! Just a quick jot tonight to share my lesson plans for the week.
As I prepare to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead with my yummy dinner of Trix cereal, I thought, "I can post about my fabulous upcoming week and put off thinking about the horrible things that are going to happen on TWD." Like, I don't even want to watch because I just know I'm going to freak out! 

Anyway, this week is the week back after Spring Break. And boy did these days fly by! But I am excited to see my kiddos and get back into the swing of things. 

Here you go. 

This week we begin our study of the Human Body. We don't use any one curriculum to teach Science, so we just pull together a couple of different things. We really LOVE all the School House Rock videos about the human body! Here is a YouTube Playlist I made: 

We are also on Lesson 25 of Journeys which consists of the following skills:
- understanding characters
- summarizing
- pronoun contractions
- synonyms
- ou, ow words
- ai, ay, oy, oi words

We will be using many of the activities in my Lesson 25 Interactive Notebook, available on TpT.

And here are my Guided Reading Lesson Plans: 
The sorts and builds are these: 

 I give my high group (reading at DRA levels 26 and above-in FIRST GRADE!!) harder, two syllable words with the spelling pattern so they are challenged. They do really well!

The synonym game - I pass these cards to the kids and they have to make connections. We talk about the words and how they are similar to each other. Then we do the sentences with context clues.  
Grab a copy of this week's guided reading plans with all the above goodies HERE.

I'll be reading the book Frederick, by Leo Lionni to discuss characters. We will talk about how Frederick chooses to spend his time before Winter and how he differs from the other mice. 

We are also working on Text Evidence. I found this AMAZING set from Miss DeCarbo on TpT. 

Go buy it now because it's awesome!

As far as contractions, I've created this simple scoot: 

Grab it for free HERE

In Math, we are starting our Geometry Unit! It's so fun learning about shapes and I have made brand new centers that I can't wait for my firsties to try out!

The unit consists of 10 lessons. Take a look HERE

Here is a peek at the centers:  

You could also grab the BUNDLE

Well that's it! I hope you can use some of the freebies. Have a great first week of April!


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