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Five for Friday {November 27, 2015}

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving filled with food, family, and fun! 

I am happy to be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday! It's been awhile but I'm thinking the time is right to join this linky party again! 

I've had an eventful Thanksgiving break, from the flu, to product planning, to Black Friday shopping, to tree decorating - it has been full! 

Thanksgiving was so great! We had lots of fantastic food and family time. I love this time of year because I do live two hours away from my family and it's hard to find time to drive in during the school year so every holiday I try to make a trip to Alexandria to see everyone.  
FOOD WAS DELICIOUS!!!!!! The best part about Thanksgiving? Leftovers!! 

My sister and I had fun working with her Cricut and some glitter vinyl making our 2015 Black Friday shirts for us! 

It was a lot of work so this isn't something we will be doing a lot of!! But aren't we just adorable?!?!

Got lots of good deals last night and early this morning! 

Carly found this Captain America hoodie and looks great in it. 

And in honor of Black Friday, I'm having a 20% off sale in my TpT Store! 

All 30 lessons inspired by Journeys for first grade is only $15 - originally $30 but worth $60!! Go get it! 

December themed math centers are only $3!! Grab them now! 

I was diagnosed with the FLU last Thursday (blah) and couldn't attend the last two days of school before break! So I was bedridden, struck down with influenza B!! It wasn't fun! But I did accomplish a lot of product planning, in between my medicine induced naps. 
Most importantly, I've finished the first unit of Second Grade interactive notebook inspired by Journeys! Take a look. 

It's got blank templates included for you to program your own words! It's half off today as part of my Black Friday TpT sale! 

For a chance to WIN the ENTIRE BUNDLE LESSONS 1-30 please click {HERE} and fill out the form! 

I've been doing so much stuff with QR Codes! They are so versatile and lots of activities and skills can be practiced. I'm working on a blog post for our collaborative blog, The Primary Punchbowl, on December 1st with a tutorial on creating QR Codes with images. But until then, here is a little freebie for you: 
Now yes, it is using the words from Lesson 13 in Journeys for first grade, but the words are sh, ph, and wh digraphs and some common sight words

ship, shop, fish, whip, which, when, down, goes, fall, green, new, grow, open, yellow

It's a good practice and review activity for your kiddos!

They scan the code on the card and then do what it says with the word that shows up. I made it Christmas themed! 

Click {HERE} for your freebie :)

And speaking of Tech Tutorials, fill out the form below on any ideas you might have and want tutorials on. I'm taking any and all suggestions! 

And that's it for this Friday! Have a great weekend!


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