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Primary Punchbowl Fall Blog Hop!

Hello and Welcome to our Primary Punchbowl Fall Blog Hop!! We are so excited to share our fall favorites and freebies with you!

I am so unbelievably excited that we are launching our new collaborative blog!! The Punch Bunch is a group of some of the best teachers I have ever had the privilege of meeting and I am so blessed to call them my friends!! Let's get started!!!

One of my most favorite Fall classroom activities is the fall sensory bin! I already love pumpkin spice everything, so of course I had to incorporate it into my classroom!

 And it's SOOOOOOO easy to make! 
Take a large bag of rice. 
Put some in a gallon ziploc bag. 
Add some food coloring. 
Add some spice. 
Add some water. 
Shake it up. 
Let it dry. 


I use red, yellow, orange, and green (except this year I didn't have red on account I've made Red Velvet Cake. A lot.). 

Inside the sensory bin, I put vocabulary, spelling, sorts, sentences, etc. Lots and lots of ideas and possibilities out there.

Who says Kindergarten gets to have all the fun with sensory bins? Big kids can dig through rice to find "fossil" bones, multiplication facts, facts and opinions, Tarsia pieces, main idea and details, questions to answer - mix it up and have some FUN! No one is ever too old to play and learn!

To help you get started with the sensory bin, I am offering my Brimming With Blends newly updated activity for a limited time (during this blog launch) for FREE!!! 
This activity is packed with onset and rimes to help practice with r-blends and l-blends. 

I like to cut the pictures completely out, hide in the rice, and then the students can search through for the rimes that make words with the onset cornucopias.

Complete with recording page for accountability (3 versions). 
Find this in my TpT Store {{HERE}}.

Lots of stuff on sale this week! In fact, I'm throwing a 20% my whole store sale!

Check out my featured items which are HALF OFF this week: 
Text Features

Small Group Lesson Planner
Small Group Lesson Planner

Completely Editable!

October Math Centers!
Balancing Facts Math Centers

And my Complete Interactive Notebook Bundle!
Interactive Notebooks
And finally, just for visiting our blog hop, you can enter the rafflecopter below for your chance to win a $20 TpT gift card!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

AND visit The Primary Punchbowl for a chance to win some goodies also!! 
I am so happy that you have decided to visit our blog hop! Please visit the links below to see what other goodies and giveaways the Punch Bunch has in store for you!


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