Monday, September 1, 2014

Class Newsletter - The Weekly Ozmopolitan

Happy Labor Day friends!! So far I am loving my first day off (weekends don't count!!)!!! I've got cookie dough chilling in the fridge and I'm about to start on a Red Velvet Cake. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Here is a quick look at my class newsletter, The Weekly Ozmopolitan. 
Obviously, since my theme is Wizard of Oz, I've duly named it. 
The front page has a note from me, our WOW, and some information for parents about what we will be doing in the classroom on things they may not exactly know about like the Daily Cafe. 

I plan on posting one every Friday via email to my parents and here on the blog. I've never done a class newsletter this way. We send home our {Weekly Assignment Sheets} in the {OZ binder} every week but this year I thought I would try this as well. We shall see! I've heard back from one parent about how much she loved it!! 

In the middle pages I included some pictures from the first couple of weeks. 

On the back page I put some fun trivia and our class wish list. There is upcoming news and events listed and some helpful learning websites. 

I hope my parents find this newsletter useful!! 

If you click {HERE} you can grab a template for yourself. 

Thanks for reading!!!

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Class Newsletter - The Weekly Ozmopolitan
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