Whew! The first weeks of school are SOOOOOOO BUSY!!! But would we have it any other way??? Of course not! I just wanted to show you a quick little part of my morning math routine. Morning Math is starting off with a bang! Now it does take the kiddos quite a little while to get it going reeeeaaaaal good, but for the most part they are doing great! I will be posting more on that real soon - the truth is I'm waiting for some stuff I ordered from Really Good Stuff to help us out. Then I'll go on a picture takin' frenzy with my littles and their soon-to-be super charged math brains!!! Our teacher mentor at University High (aka University Lab School) uses Morning Math to teach her entire math program and those kids are geniuses by the end of the year. We modeled our mornings directly after hers and here are some examples of my firsties work from last year. 139th Day of School 162nd Day of School We run out of room sometimes!! And look at that multiplication!!! Yes!!! From first g...